10 Exciting Ways to Keep Math Skills Sharp over the Summer - Best in Class Education 10 Exciting Ways to Keep Math Skills Sharp over the Summer - Best in Class Education

10 Exciting Ways to Keep Math Skills Sharp over the Summer

July 17, 2024
July 17, 2024

Summer is the perfect time for children to enjoy fun in the sun, ice cream with friends, and lazy mornings, but it can also be a period of significant learning loss, especially in math. Students can lose about 2.6 months of math skills over the summer. To prevent what educators refer to as the summer slide and keep your child’s math skills sharp, Best in Class Education Center has put together a list of engaging ideas that are easy to work into your child’s summer fun. 

Prevent Summer Learning Loss and Keep Math Skills Sharp

Opportunities to use math in daily activities and play lie all around us, so you don’t need to turn into a teacher or battle your child to work in time for math during their summer break. These 10 creative strategies will effortlessly blend math into your summer activities, preventing the dreaded summer slide and making learning feel like play for you and your child.

1. Create a Math Scavenger Hunt

Design a scavenger hunt in which solving a math problem to find the next location is required for each clue. This activity can include riddles, measurement tasks, and basic arithmetic problems. It’s a fun way to combine physical activity with math practice and is easy to incorporate as a fun math practice idea for summer travel. You can create a scavenger hunt at your vacation property or while staying with extended family.  

2. Play Math-Based Games

Board games like Monopoly, card games like blackjack, and strategy games like chess involve numbers and critical thinking. These games can improve numerical fluency and logical reasoning while providing quality family time.

3. Involve Math in Shopping

Take your child shopping and involve them in calculating discounts, comparing prices, and managing a budget. This real-world application of math helps them understand its practical use.

4. Build a Math Garden

Start a garden where your child can measure the space, calculate the number of plants that fit, and track the growth of plants over time. This hands-on activity teaches measurement, geometry, and data collection.

5. Visit a Science Museum

Science centers and museums offer interactive exhibits that incorporate math. Their engaging activities make learning fun and can stimulate a child’s interest in math and science.

6. Analyze Sports Statistics

If your child enjoys sports, watching a baseball game or swim meet can be a natural opportunity to work on math. Work with your child to track scores, calculate averages, and compare player statistics to enhance their mathematical thinking.

7. Start a Small Business

Letting a young entrepreneur start a summer business, like a lemonade stand or dog-walking service, can help them stay occupied, make a little money, and sharpen their math skills. Managing money, making change, and calculating profits are all excellent ways to practice math.

8. Engage in DIY Projects

Does your child have a room makeover project in mind? Home improvement projects require measuring, estimating, and problem-solving. Involve your child in their room goals to help them see the practical side of math.

9. Join a Summer Math Program

Consider enrolling your child in a summer math program. Best in Class Education Center offers year-round math enrichment programs. Our programs provide focused, creative ways to reinforce and advance math skills in a structured environment.

10. Make Math Part of Your Conversations

Incorporate math into daily life by discussing it casually. Talk about time, distances, and quantities to help your child understand that math is everywhere.

Keep Math Fun and Relevant with Best in Class Education Center

Integrating math into enjoyable activities helps children retain and even advance their skills during the summer. Making math a part of everyday life can prevent summer learning loss and set your child up for success in the upcoming school year.

At Best in Class Education Center, we offer summer programs to keep your child’s math skills sharp so they’ll be ready for the next academic year. Our engaging, hands-on approach makes learning math fun and effective. Enroll your child today and make this summer a season of growth and discovery.