5 Practical Ways to Support Your Child’s Success in the New Year
You may be diving into your New Year’s resolutions—aiming for healthier habits, more family time, or simply getting organized. But the first part of 2025 also offers a perfect opportunity to help your child reset and refocus. With the school year in full gear and the post-holiday lull setting in, kids might need extra support to remain academically and emotionally on track.

Resolving to Read: Building a Family Reading Habit in 2025
Reading is more than just a skill—it’s a superpower. It helps kids ace their spelling tests, satisfies their endless curiosity (Why do giraffes have such long necks?), and prepares them for all the “adulting” tasks ahead, like deciphering tax forms and reading manuals to figure out why their dishwasher suddenly stopped working.

Smart Screen Time: How to Use Technology to Support Your Child’s Learning
In a world where screens, widgets, and gadgets are at your child’s fingertips, figuring out the line between helpful technology and mindless scrolling can take effort. As a parent, you may find it’s a delicate balance to ensure your child benefits from technology without becoming overly dependent.

7 Fun Math Resources to Boost Your Child’s Math Skills (Without Tears or Tantrums)
Math homework can be challenging—not just for your child, but for you, too. If you’re a parent who hasn’t seen a geometry problem since high school, when your child brings you their homework, you may feel stumped and unable to help them.

4 Simple Strategies to Help Your Child Think Critically (Not Just Memorize Facts)
Empower Your Child’s Mind: 4 Simple Strategies for Critical Thinking Development
Help your child go beyond memorizing facts by fostering critical thinking skills that encourage curiosity, resilience, and problem-solving. These four strategies inspire kids to ask questions, explore solutions, and view challenges from different perspectives. Build their confidence in tackling both school and life with critical thinking, supported by our tutoring programs at Best in Class Education Center. Discover how small daily actions can nurture lifelong learning and independence in your child