Educational Gift Guide for Older Kids: Inspiring Learning Through Thoughtful Presents
The holidays are swiftly approaching, and you’re beginning to wonder what to gift your child. Given that the average screen time of children ages 8 to 10 is six hours a day, you may not want to buy them another electronic or video game that you know isn’t benefiting their learning and growth. And at this age, your child might have outgrown dolls, cars, and blocks.
6 Ways to Teach Your Children Gratitude: The Key to Happier Kids
Your children shuffle in the door after school. They leave their name-brand shoes in the foyer and toss their backpacks on the table. They groan when you offer them an afternoon snack, disappointed that it’s not their favorite. Then they go into their rooms and play video games online with their friends, taking for granted the modern comforts and technology that have been around for only a tiny sliver of human history.
Guiding Growth: How to Respond to Your Child’s Report Card
Whether your child excitedly waves their report card in the air the moment they see you or tries to hide it in shame, it can be challenging to know how to react when that important paper (or notification) arrives. You want to celebrate any progress and support them if needed. You also want to hold them accountable to do their best without putting too much pressure on them. It’s a tricky balancing act to know what to do and say.
At Best In Class Education Center, we have years of experience helping parents navigate their child’s grades. Here are some practical ways to connect with, encourage, and support your child when their report card comes home.
5 Fun Ways to Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary at Home and in the Community
Whether your child is in kindergarten or high school, there is one skill they will always be able to improve—their vocabulary. Strong oral vocabulary improves all areas of communication, from listening to expression to literacy. Ensuring your child’s vocabulary is appropriate for their grade level (or better) will help them improve their understanding of classroom information, express their knowledge and opinions, formulate questions, and connect general world concepts.
5 Winning Habits of Successful Middle School Students
Researchers have discovered traits that successful students share, such as grit and determination. But if your child struggles to build these traits, there is an easy way to help foster them—through their habits. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, states, “Success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformation.”