Is Home Education Right for My Family?

With the school year winding down, you might be already thinking ahead to the next school year. Although many families have found their perfect-fit school, you may be among many parents evaluating if their child’s current educational placement is best for them.
Whether it’s their personality, interests, or learning needs, there are many reasons parents may decide that home education is a better choice for them compared to public, charter, or private schools. We’ll share some of the common reasons parents give for homeschooling their children to help you decide if home education is right for your family.
Your Child Is Gifted or Advanced.
Maybe your child is reading at an eighth-grade level but only in third grade. Perhaps they have an insatiable appetite for science experiments or a penchant for advanced calculus. Some children just need more enrichment than their school can provide. Additionally, your current school may want you to choose from enrichment options that don’t fit your family’s needs, such as:
- Your child is eligible for your district’s gifted program or magnet school, but it’s a 45-minute drive or has limited bussing.
- The school suggests advancing your child to the next grade, but you know your child’s emotional maturity isn’t as advanced as their academic skills.
- Your school provides enrichment sporadically, and your child feels unchallenged most of the time.
- Your child’s private school lacks resources for gifted students.
In these situations, you may decide that homeschooling will allow you to customize your child’s education, move their natural curiosity, and maintain their love for learning.
Your Child Excels in an Extracurricular with a Demanding Schedule.
Maybe your child does okay—or even great—in school, but they shine as a competitive gymnast or a talented performer. Could your child be the next great athlete like Simone Biles or Tim Tebow or a sought-after entertainer like Taylor Swift or Emma Watson? You might be surprised to know they were all homeschooled!
Whether your child has a rigorous training schedule or hours of practice, it might make sense to give them a more flexible schedule to achieve both their academic and personal goals.
Your Child Has Special Needs.
Although public schools must provide accommodations for children with special needs or learning disabilities, you may be less than satisfied with your district’s solutions and options. Additionally, some private and charter schools lack the resources to offer appropriate accommodations.
Here are some reasons that parents of children with special needs may opt for home education instead:
- The school provides an IEP or 504 plan. While they legally must follow it, some parents spend more time than they would like to ensure their child’s needs are met.
- The child’s primary teacher is wonderful, but there are elective teachers, classroom volunteers, substitutes, and teachers’ aides who are less understanding or knowledgeable about a child’s diagnosis or needs.
- A child who requires frequent doctor’s visits and therapy appointments, sometimes multiple times a week, may struggle to keep up with their lessons. Rather than cutting into school hours, some families prefer to homeschool so they can create the schedule that works best for them.
Children with special needs have every right to attend school with accommodations, so if that’s your preference, keep advocating for your child’s right to an education. But if homeschooling works better for your child’s needs and your family’s schedule, it may be a route to consider.
Your Current School Doesn’t Suit Your Child’s or Family’s Individual Needs.
Sometimes your child’s public or private school offers everything they need academically, but it’s a less-than-ideal fit for other reasons. For example, a large classroom and school may not present the safest atmosphere if you have a medically fragile child. Other parents may opt for home-based education as it best aligns with their safety standards or family values.
Best in Class Is Here to Offer Support.
Deciding to homeschool is a decision that requires much consideration and planning. Fortunately, no matter your choice, Best in Class can assist your child in reaching their educational goals. If your child needs academic support, we offer supplemental learning programs that can fit seamlessly into your homeschool schedule. Contact us today to learn how we can support your student’s educational journey.